Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday evening- this must be Teslin

Teslin, Yukon Territories. I think I still am in the Yukon.  Getting close to Alaska and Skagway.

Not a whole lot to report. The last 3 days have been driving thru beautiful mountain valleys. The traffic has thinned out so the driving is a lot easier. Feeling more like the great north woods. When there is only one highway in a large area, everyone uses it. It seems like there are more people because they are all concentrated in narrow area. Then there is hardly anyone for many miles away from the highway.

The highway generally follows a river(s). You have a green river valley with mountains on both sides. These tend to be lower mountains but at times you can see snow near the tops. Feels like "Sound of Music" country.

Last night I stayed at a beautiful campsite called Strawberry Flats in the Muncho Lake Provincial Park. Very nice site and well maintained. Tonight I am at a commercial camp ground, the Yukon Motel. It is basically a truck stop parking lot with a few trees. But it is next to a lake. You trade off the beauty of a remote campsite for the conveniences of a commercial site. So I try to do some of each.

                       All the rivers around here are this milky emerald color. Very beautiful.

Today I drove through Watson Lake - home of the famous sign "forest". There are currently 75,800 signs.

Tomorrow I will head to Skagway but take a diversion to the small community of Aitlin. It is supposed to be an incredible drive. I don't know how it can be much better than what I have already seen.
My view tonight. But again it is a trade off so I can blog to the thousands of viewers of this blog!
Also, it is supposed to get into the 40s tonight. I will have electricity for my space heater. :) Ahhh, roughing it!
I have forgotten to mention the day light here. It is evening for HOURS! I sometimes forget the time while I am reading. I'll be sitting outside reading and I look at my watch and it is 10:45 pm. It will still be light at 11:45 pm. Luckily, I had Marne sew liners to the backs of my curtains to make it darker inside when I close everything up. Otherwise it is like sleeping in daylight at midnight. Some night I'll have to stay up real late and see when it does get dark. So far, I'm always asleep by then.
OK, off for a walk around the area. Tomorrow, Aitlin.


  1. I would be interested to hear the story behind the sign forest. I'm so glad you're keeping us up to date, Dad! I love all the photos!

  2. Did you add a sign to the sign forest?? The photos are great, would love to see all this someday in person.

  3. Go Mike Go! We enjoy reading your blog from Colorado.
    Chuck and Joy

    1. Hello Chuck. I didn't know that you were among the throngs viewing this blog. All is all in Colorado?


  4. Marne says, "Your brother Jim, sister Sal, and friends of mine in Mpls. are following along, as well. They might even puzzle out a way to submit comments someday. It just is not working for some people. Watch out for your family giving you a hard time!" :-)
