Sunday, July 14, 2013

On The Road

First an explanation of "Klondike Mike". Last summer Allie found an old book in a used book shop in Nisswa entitled "Klondike Mike" and published in 1948, the year of my birth. It still had it's original dust jacket. She had the dust jacket framed and gave it to me along with the book last Christmas. Klondike Mike was a real character in the gold fields along the Chilkoot Trail and other places I am going to visit. The book reads a lot like "The Call of the Wild" and if I remember correctly, Mike actually met Jack London once. The framed dust cover is now hanging in my camper. When I tried to save a name for this blog, "Klondike Mike" was already taken-hence the longer blog title.

I am now on the road and just putting miles on, not doing any sightseeing. Last night I camped at a Walmart in Dickinson ND and tonight I am at a highway rest stop in Conrad MT that has Wi-Fi after driving 12 hours today. The camper is driving well and no problems so far. As I write this, I am enjoying a cold bottle of water out of the fridge and one of Kathy Grant's famous Father-Kid campout chocolate chip cookies.

I didn't know that Fergus Falls was on the continental divide!

Tomorrow I enter Canada just east of Glacier NP, head north to Calgary and take a left into Banff. I hope to find a camping spot and spend a couple of days in this area of the Canadian Rockies. I miss Marne immensely and wonder what I was thinking when I decided to be gone for 3 months!!! But I am on my way and I am sure this will be a great trip.


  1. Marne says, "I miss you immensely, too, but I sure miss those chocolate chip cookies. Dang."

  2. Fun!! Love the update, Dad! Keep 'em coming..... :-D

  3. Sounds like all is going well! Happy travels!
