Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Atlin BC

Atlin ( I misspelled it in the last blog ) is a side trip on the way to Skagway. I left myself plenty of time to get to Skagway so I decided to take this detour.

Think of Grand Marais if the tourists never came and it did not survive the depression very well. Atlin was founded during the same gold rush days as Skagway. Gold was found nearby and it is on the shores of a large lake which was used for transportation. Things went well until the early 1930s and the growth went elsewhere. There are still quite a few buildings left from around 1900 to1910. The buildings have plaques on the front identifying them.

(formerly the jail)

 (the clock, a Boliva, was donated by a local businessman, Jules Eggert, in the early 1900s)

(a bordello-no longer in use)

In addition to being on the shores of a large lake, the town overlooks mountains.

This boat carried passengers, tourists and cargo until 1936.
Atlin is small, population 350 and is struggling. A lot of vacant buildings. Both days that I have been here there have been a handful of tourists but that's all. Again, it is off the main travel route.
I am staying at a nice, primitive campground, Snafu Lake CG. One problem has come up, mosquitoes! They haven't been a problem before but I can't sit outside and read at this location. They are all over me. So I decided to come in to Atlin a second day where there are no mosquitoes and work on this blog. I'm on the top of a little hill overlooking a small lake.

Tomorrow I leave Atlin and it's handful of tourists and head to Skagway with it's thousands of cruise ship tourists. That should be an interesting change. I am scheduled to hike the Chilkoot Trail starting August 1st so I am a little ahead of schedule. I gave myself a few extra days in case I had any problems. Since I haven't had any problems (knock on wood) I have a few days extra to spend in Skagway.
Oh, by the way Marne, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


  1. Marne says, "Thanks for the good wishes! I had an Alaska beer tonight in your honor and toasted my birthday, as well. Your surroundings look more majestic than mine, but I took some photos today of our bee-yoo-ti-ful, colorful gardens.

  2. Love your blog, Mike. Totally charming. Skagway will certainly be a shock - endless tourists as you said, and literally every shop and restaurant in town is geared to them. Lots of opportunities to spend money. :-) Nancy Thorne

  3. K.M. Love the blog and photos. Enjoy all of it. The pool table fits nicely in what used to be your office.

    1. Dennis, I'd like a rematch. I wasn't able to concentrate on our first game - too many interruptions!

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