Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Banff-Jasper NP

I forgot to take my camera with me as I post this in the town of Jasper outside the park Information office. So next time I can find Wi-Fi I'll post a bunch of mountain photos.

I survived the drive thru Calgary with only a little trial and error. Calgary is a big and busy city. About 35 miles west of Calgary you get into the Canadian Rockies. I'm going oohh and aahh every 10 seconds. It is a spectacular drive. The first 50 miles of the Banff-Jasper Np is a 4 lane divided highway like taking Hwy 35 to Duluth, and busy. And the cars and semis all want to go 20 mph over the speed limit zipping past all the campers. I said to myself this isn't very interesting. But then outside off Lake Louise the highway splits. All the heavy traffic continues west on Hwy 1 while those of us continuing on to Jasper turn north on Hwy 93.

OK, you are supposed to turn on 93. It is possible a lone driver, tired after 12 hours of driving, in fairly heavy traffic, could miss the turn off to 93. OK, that's what I did. I couldn't understand why I couldn't find the campground I was looking for. I finally decided I would stop at the next campground I came to and I did. A very nice primitive campground with only a few people. I'm sitting around reading and trying to understand why this campground was not on my map. Finally it dawned on me that I'm 30 miles down the wrong highway. But it was a nice campground. 39 degrees this morning when I got up. (OK, daughters of mine. I know I have a problem with directions!)

So today I went back to the turn off to 93 and had a good day of driving. 100 miles today All with beautiful mountains on both sides of the road. After awhile it gets routine.

Tonight I am at Wapiti (Elk) CG out side of Jasper. All the sites with electricity were full but I have another very nice primitive site. I have been eating meals only out of my camper. Last night I baked a pizza in my oven. As long as I am in town tonight I most likely will hit one of the ice cream shops. (I did get a 2 mile run in today.)  80 today, sunny and a blue sky.

Tomorrow I continue north to Dawson and the start of the Alaska-Canada (Al-Can) highway.

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I have some nice ones and will post them next time I can connect.


  1. Yay blogging! Glad you're finding some good campsites and good sleeping weather. Can't wait to see the mountain photos.

  2. Marne says, "Sorry I missed your calls tonight. I was busy playing tennis (91 degrees when we started, but only 82 now at 9:00 pm) and then of course, Judy, Teresa and I stopped at G. Dubbs for a refreshing beverage.
    "Tomorrow I mow the lawn and water (AGAIN) the grass seed on the site of the RV's former parking...next to our garage. Your drive sounds bee-yoo-ti-ful!"

  3. Like reading your blog, please keep it going!
